Tetanus Prophylaxis.

Immune Category

Category A: Taken complete course of TT/booster with in past 5 year

Category B: Taken complete course of TT/booster with in past > 5 year- <10 year

Category C: Taken complete course of TT/booster with in past >10 year

Category D: Not Taken complete course of TT/booster or immunity status not known


HTIG (Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin)- 250IU IM-Effect lasts for 30days.

ETIG (Equine Tetanus Immunoglobulin)-1500IU – last for 7-10 days, 2nd dose eliminated rapidly, serum sickness may develop.


Antibiotics- play a role in early infection before expression of toxin(before 6 hr).

It is useful only to eradicate source of toxin, but no role if toxin is already produced.

Metronidazole (DOC) preferred over Penicillin for 7 days (start within 6 hours of infection).

Symptomatic treatment- Anti spasmodic.


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